Information about Lakshyaias academy
About me
Lakshya IAS Academy is a well-known Institute and the UPSC Classes in Mumbai preparing candidates for the Civil Services Examination. It is one of the known IAS coaching centers in Mumbai, which is known for offering high-quality guidance to aspirants.
Personal information
Lakshyaias academy
Education and training
Specific BIM
3D Studio Max
Other BIM information
Lakshya IAS Academy is a well-known Institute and the MPSC Classes in Mumbai preparing candidates for the Civil Services Examination. It is one of the known IAS coaching centers in Mumbai, which is known for offering high-quality guidance to aspirants.
CPV / BBC assignment
- Education and training services
80000000-4 - Primary education services
80100000-5 - Pre-school education services
80110000-8 - Secondary education services
80200000-6 - Technical and vocational secondary education services
80210000-9 - Technical secondary education services
80211000-6 - Vocational secondary education services
80212000-3 - Higher education services
80300000-7 - Youth education services