Information about Klea dionangel
About me
Truspanfinancial provides financial modeling software that helps businesses and individuals make educated and informed investment decisions. Truspanfinancial software is easy to use and engages students, professionals, and small business owners in the financial decision-making process. The software includes features like portfolio management, financial analysis, stock prices, interest rates, investment strategies, and a retirement planning module.
Personal information
Klea dionangel
CPV / BBC assignment
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45200000-9 - Building construction work
45210000-2 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
45211000-9 - Construction work for houses
45211100-0 - Sheltered housing construction work
45211200-1 - Houses construction work
45211300-2 - Bathrooms construction work
45211310-5 - Porches construction work
45211320-8 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work