DPS Temporary staff services for the health sector (nurses, social educators, health workers, etc.) Published by Tenders Electronic Daily
DPS Temporary staff services for the health sector (nurses, social educators, health workers, etc.)
Application deadline
10.02.2027, 12:00 hour
Restricted procedure
Order type
Provision of services.
Main CPV code
- Supply services of medical personnel
- Supply services of medical personnel
Contracting authority / owner
Birkenes kommune
Postboks 115
4795 Birkeland
E-Mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Website: https://www.birkenes.kommune.no/ -
Offentlige fellesinnkjøp på Agder (OFA) invites tenderers on behalf of the contracting authorities for the scheme to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for temporary staff services for the health sector.The aim of the scheme is to give the contracting...Show more
Description of procurement /scope of services
Offentlige fellesinnkjøp på Agder (OFA) invites tenderers on behalf of the contracting authorities for the scheme to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for temporary staff services for the health sector.The aim of the scheme is to give the contracting...Show more
Others CPV Codes
- Supply services of nursing personnel
- Supply services of nursing personnel
Norway-Birkeland: Supply services of medical personnel
2023/S 007-015346
Social and other specific services – public contracts
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 964 965 870
Postal address: Postboks 115
Town: Birkeland
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Postal code: 4795
Country: Norway
Contact person: Jørgen P Justvik
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.birkenes.kommune.no/
National registration number: 921060440
Postal address: Nordre Heddeland 26
Town: Marnardal
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Postal code: 4534
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.lindesnes.kommune.no/
National registration number: 964 965 781
Postal address: Postboks 30
Town: Tvedestrand
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Postal code: 4900
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.tvedestrand.kommune.no/
National registration number: 964 966 575
Postal address: Postboks 4
Town: Valle
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Postal code: 4746
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.valle.kommune.no/
National registration number: 964 966 397
Town: Bygland
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.bygland.kommune.no/
National registration number: 964 963 916
Town: Tingvatn
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.haegebostad.kommune.no/
National registration number: 864 966 012
Town: Iveland
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.iveland.kommune.no/
National registration number: 820 852 982
Town: Nodeland
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.kristiansand.kommune.no/
National registration number: 936846777
Town: Vennesla
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.vennesla.kommune.no/
National registration number: 864 965 962
Town: Åmli
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.amli.kommune.no/
National registration number: 964 964 076
Town: Kvinesdal
NUTS code: NO092 Agder
Country: Norway
E-mail: jorgen@odinprosjekt.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.kvinesdal.kommune.no/
Section II: Object
DPS Temporary staff services for the health sector (nurses, social educators, health workers, etc.)
Offentlige fellesinnkjøp på Agder (OFA) invites tenderers on behalf of the contracting authorities for the scheme to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for temporary staff services for the health sector.
The aim of the scheme is to give the contracting authority access to temporary staff services for the health sector excluding doctors. The scheme is expected to be mainly used for the expected need for temporary staff services to cover vacancies, staff holidays, leave, etc. The following positions can be required:
• Nurses
• Social Educators
• Health Workers
• Health secretaries
• Doctor students who can take shifts in the home care service/nursing homes
• Nurse/social educator students
Offentlige fellesinnkjøp på Agder (OFA) invites tenderers on behalf of the contracting authorities for the scheme to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for temporary staff services for the health sector.
The aim of the scheme is to give the contracting authority access to temporary staff services for the health sector excluding doctors. The scheme is expected to be mainly used for the expected need for temporary staff services to cover vacancies, staff holidays, leave, etc. The following positions can be required:
• Nurses
• Social Educators
• Health Workers
• Health secretaries
• Doctor students who can take shifts in the home care service/nursing homes
• Nurse/social educator students
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
There are qualification requirements regarding the payment of taxes and duties, tenderers' registration, economic and financial capacity, quality management system, internal routines, and a control system for the Working Environment Act and the main agreement in KS, experience, as well as delivery capacity.
See the tender documentation, chapter 2 for a complete overview of the qualification requirements.
The terms for execution will be in the tender documentation for each contest under the scheme.
Section IV: Procedure
Price is not the only possible award criterium, and the award criteria will only be announced in the tender documentation for the relevant contest under the DPS.
Section VI: Complementary information
The procurement means that a dynamic purchasing system will be established, as it is presented in the PPR §§ 26-5 to 26-7, but as our contract object is covered by CPV codes 79624000 and 79625000, the contest is regulated by part II of the PPR on special services above the EEA threshold, (cf. PPR §§ 5-1 (2) b and 5-3 (2) as well as annex 2). The procurement will therefore be made through a restricted tender contest, cf. PPR § 8-3 with the additions and changes that are relevant in the PPR §§ 26-5 to 26-7.
Town: Kristiansand
Country: Norway