Freelance Script | Freelance Marketplace Script Published by Best Freelancer Script

Freelance Script | Freelance Marketplace Script
Our freelancer clone script has everything you need to build a user-friendly, intuitive, and successful freelance marketplace. Having a secured coding structure, it's completely bug-free, reliable, and easy to launch. Also, it comes with multiple accessible features that can be fully customized to fit your specific business needs!Take a look at its top-notch features:
Simple Registration And Login: Both freelancers and clients can easily create accounts and log in to your freelance website separately.
Project And Job Listing: Recruiters can list jobs and post project requirements, mentioning the deadline, budget, and other necessary details.
Bid Submission: Freelancers can bid on the listed jobs, mentioning their timelines and proposed charges.
Safe Payment Gateway Integration: Our script comes with safe payment integration, ensuring smooth, transparent, and secured transactions.
Escrow Payment System: Our script holds funds in escrow and releases them once the project is done and both parties are satisfied with it.
Rating & Review System: Both freelancers and clients can share their experience and rate each other once a project is accomplished
Apart from this, the script comes with a free installation service and one year of maintenance support. Our dedicated script developers provide routine updates and security patches, ensuring the optimal performance of your freelance platform.
Project information
Project's name
Freelance Script | Freelance Marketplace Script
Construction time
19.07.2018 - Now
Building type
1380 Service building for public standby services