Infos zu memotivation app
Über mich
Wellbeing apps for employees can be a valuable tool for promoting the health and well-being of employees. By offering a variety of features, these apps can help employees improve their physical and mental health, which can lead to increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, and improved job satisfaction.Wellbeing apps for employees are a type of software that can be used to promote the health and well-being of employees.
Persönliche Infos
memotivation app
wellbeing apps for employees
CPV/BBC Zuordnung
- Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen: Recht, Marketing, Consulting, Einstellungen, Druck und Sicherheit
79000000-4 - Markt- und Wirtschaftsforschung; Umfragen und Statistiken
79300000-7 - Marktforschung
79310000-0 - Umfragen
79311000-7 - Umfragengestaltung
79311100-8 - Durchführung von Umfragen
79311200-9 - Telefon-Umfragen
79311210-2 - Umfragenanalyse
79311300-0 - Wirtschaftsforschung