Information about Dustin Hoffman
About me
Hi, I'm Dustin Hoffman, I'm a musician. I go to different events, and my ears are affected by different sounds. I had a problem with my hearing, and then I found a solution with an earplug, which worked wonders for me. It was very good and comfortable, these earplugs help prevent hearing loss and other hearing-related problems. If you are also facing such problem, then you can also use these earplugs. If you want to know all the details please click the link.
Personal information
Dustin Hoffman
CPV / BBC assignment
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45200000-9 - Building construction work
45210000-2 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
45211000-9 - Construction work for houses
45211100-0 - Sheltered housing construction work
45211200-1 - Houses construction work
45211300-2 - Bathrooms construction work
45211310-5 - Porches construction work
45211320-8 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work