Infos zu Annie Wilson
Über mich
Annie Wilson is a digital marketer with a passion for technology and helping businesses succeed. She works at Elon Staffing Services, a company that specializes in IT services. They offer various ways of working to suit each client's needs and boast a team of skilled technology experts.
Persönliche Infos
Annie Wilson
CPV/BBC Zuordnung
- Informationssysteme
48810000-9 - E-Mail-System
48811000-6 - Finanzdatensysteme
48812000-3 - Passagierinformationssystem
48813000-0 - Elektronische Anzeigetafeln
48813100-1 - Systeme zur Echtzeit-Passagierinformation
48813200-2 - Medizinische Informationssysteme
48814000-7 - Informationssysteme für Pflegestationen
48814100-8 - Patientenverwaltungssystem