Dynamic Purchasing System, ICT Services for Vigo IKS Published by Tenders Electronic Daily
Dynamic Purchasing System, ICT Services for Vigo IKS
Application deadline
31.12.2026, 23:59 hour
Restricted procedure
Order type
Provision of services.
Main CPV code
- Systems and technical consultancy services
- Systems and technical consultancy services
Contracting authority / owner
Vigo IKS
Kjølnes Ring 30
3918 Porsgrunn
E-Mail: karlpetter@vigodrift.no
Website: http://vigoiks.no -
Vigo IKS is hereby publishing a dynamic purchasing systemSecurity servicesDeveloper competenceArchitectureOperational servicesWeb designGraphic designBusiness Intelligence and AnalyseThis dynamic purchasing scheme applies to procurements above NOK 100 000 excluding VAT. The system can also be used for...Show more
Description of procurement /scope of services
Vigo IKS is hereby publishing a dynamic purchasing systemSecurity servicesDeveloper competenceArchitectureOperational servicesWeb designGraphic designBusiness Intelligence and AnalyseThis dynamic purchasing scheme applies to procurements above NOK 100 000 excluding VAT. The system can also be used for...Show more
Others CPV Codes
- Programming services of packaged software products
72210000-0 - Programming services of systems and user software
72211000-7 - Information technology services
72222300-0 - Systems consultancy services
- Programming services of packaged software products
Norway-Porsgrunn: Systems and technical consultancy services
2021/S 117-308927
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 998 283 914
Postal address: Kjølnes Ring 30
Town: Porsgrunn
NUTS code: NO091 Vestfold og Telemark
Postal code: 3918
Country: Norway
Contact person: Karl Petter Kristiansen
E-mail: karlpetter@vigodrift.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://vigoiks.no
Section II: Object
Dynamic Purchasing System, ICT Services for Vigo IKS
Vigo IKS is hereby publishing a dynamic purchasing system
Security services
Developer competence
Operational services
Web design
Graphic design
Business Intelligence and Analyse
This dynamic purchasing scheme applies to procurements above NOK 100 000 excluding VAT. The system can also be used for purchases below NOK 100 000 excluding VAT.
The length of the dynamic purchasing system is in this case indefinite. (due to technical issues in the publication form the preliminary final date is 31 December 2026).
The applicant must state in which areas they are applying for admission to the documentation requirement in section of the tender documentation.
For complete and comprehensive information, see the tender documentation in Mercell Tend Sign.
Vigo IKS is hereby publishing a dynamic purchasing system
Security services
Developer competence
Operational services
Web design
Graphic design
Business Intelligence and Analyse
This dynamic purchasing scheme applies to procurements above NOK 100 000 excluding VAT. The system can also be used for purchases below NOK 100 000 excluding VAT. The length of the dynamic purchasing system is in this case indefinite. (due to technical issues in the publication form the preliminary final date is 31 December 2026).
The applicant must state in which areas they are applying for admission to the documentation requirement in section of the tender documentation.
For complete and comprehensive information, see the tender documentation in Mercell Tend Sign.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Postal address: Postboks 2624
Town: Skien
Postal code: 3702
Country: Norway