Infos zu Biztras Information Technology Solutions
Biztras Information Technology Solutions provides best-in-class IT services like ODPOO CRM, ERP, BPM, DMS integration & wifi solutions to global Odoo ERP partner across UAE. ODoo is now a renowned service provider in the field of providing tools and software for Business Management and operations. Odoo is catering to more than five million customers worldwide with its impressive ERP, CRM, Accounting, HRM, PM and Inventory Management software. Odoo Integration packages have made organization working across borders experience a seamless interaction. Communication has become stronger and decision making has become accurate, timely and effective. Odoo CRM revolves around the four basic concepts. Sales and Marketing, Sales force Task Management, Service and Support and integrating all the three in under one task or project. Click here for more information:
Al Fahim EPICO, 2rd Floor, Office No. 206, 5
Al Fahim EPICO, 2rd Floor, Office No. 206
00000 Mussafah
Vereinigte Arabische EmirateWirtschaftszweig
CPV/BBC Zuordnung
- Informationssysteme
48810000-9 - E-Mail-System
48811000-6 - Finanzdatensysteme
48812000-3 - Passagierinformationssystem
48813000-0 - Elektronische Anzeigetafeln
48813100-1 - Systeme zur Echtzeit-Passagierinformation
48813200-2 - Medizinische Informationssysteme
48814000-7 - Informationssysteme für Pflegestationen
48814100-8 - Patientenverwaltungssystem