Infos zu Beleaf Technologies
Beleaf Technologies is a leading blockchain Development Company, where we shape the future of blockchain solutions. We specialize in harnessing the power of blockchain technology to create cutting-edge solutions for businesses and individuals. Our ultimate goal is to make the benefits of decentralized technology accessible to everyone. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, we're here to help you navigate the complex world of blockchain and unlock its full potential. With our comprehensive suite of web3 development services, we offer a roadmap to success that's as unique as your business. Our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, backed by a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for our clients. Whether you're looking to develop a cutting-edge blockchain application, launch an NFT marketplace, or explore the potential of decentralized finance, Beleaf Technologies has the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.
Our Services include:
Crypto Exchange Development
Crypto Wallet App Development
Metaverse Development
AI Development
DeFi Development
dApp Development
Crypto Token Development
Web3 Development
Crypto Trading Bot Development
4th-floor Krishnasthal CHS 12
12, 4th-floor Krishnasthal CHS, Mira Gaon Mira Road East, Thane, Postal Code : 401 107, Maharastra, India.
401107 Thane
Softwarehersteller, IT-Dienstleister
CPV/BBC Zuordnung
- Softwarepaket und Informationssysteme
48000000-8 - Branchenspezifisches Softwarepaket
48100000-9 - Softwarepaket für POS-Kassenterminals
48110000-2 - Softwarepaket für die Flugsteuerung
48120000-5 - Softwarepaket für die Flugsicherung
48121000-2 - Softwarepaket für Luftverkehrsbodendienste und -tests
48130000-8 - Softwarepaket für Luftverkehrsbodendienste
48131000-5 - Softwarepaket für Tests im Luftverkehr
48132000-2 - Softwarepaket für Eisenbahnleitsysteme