Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works Published by Tenders Electronic Daily
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works
There are changes or additional information to this announcement. Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works (18.06.2020 20:14), Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works (18.02.2020 20:19), Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works (31.01.2020 20:02), Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works (19.07.2019 13:04)
Application deadline
24.06.2031, 00:00 hour
Restricted procedure
Order type
Construction contract
Main CPV code
- Construction work
- Construction work
Contracting authority / owner
London Borough of Haringey
1st Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green
N22 8HQ London
E-Mail: supplier.engagement@useadam.co.uk
Website: https://londonconstructionprogramme.co.uk -
London Borough of Haringey (‘the Council’) as the Lead Authority is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experience suppliers to be appointed under a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) for the provision of minor works and related services to be utilised by members of the London Construction...Show more
Description of procurement /scope of services
The works to be procured under the proposed DPS are likely to be wide and varied, and cover all aspects of minor works to include but not limited to:— asbestos,— brickwork,— carpentry and joinery,— cleaning and clearance,— drainage,— electrical,— energy efficiency,— fencing and gates,—...Show more
Others CPV Codes
- Solar energy
09330000-1 - Generating sets
31121000-0 - Prefabricated buildings
44211000-2 - Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
45110000-1 - Demolition work
- Solar energy
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): UKI LONDON
United Kingdom-London: Construction work
2019/S 120-292957
Contract notice
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
1st Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green
N22 8HQ
United Kingdom
Contact person: Supplier Engagement Team
E-mail: supplier.engagement@useadam.co.uk
NUTS code: UKI
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://londonconstructionprogramme.co.uk
Address of the buyer profile: http://demand.sproc.net
Section II: Object
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works
London Borough of Haringey (‘the Council’) as the Lead Authority is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experience suppliers to be appointed under a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) for the provision of minor works and related services to be utilised by members of the London Construction Programme (‘LCP’) and other Contracting Authorities listed under ‘Additional Information’ within this Contract Notice (who shall collectively be the ‘LCP Members’).
The Council hosts the LCP currently has a total membership of 43 London Authorities and Public Sector Organisations.
The DPS is divided into 27 service categories as detailed further in the procurement documents. There will be no limit on the number of suppliers that may join the DPS for each Service Category. A supplier may apply for more than one service category.
The service categories can be divided into service templates and distributed by London regions and value bands.
The works to be procured under the proposed DPS are likely to be wide and varied, and cover all aspects of minor works to include but not limited to:
— asbestos,
— brickwork,
— carpentry and joinery,
— cleaning and clearance,
— drainage,
— electrical,
— energy efficiency,
— fencing and gates,
— fire,
— foundations,
— general construction multi trade,
— glazing,
— groundworks,
— heating, gas appliances and installations,
— highways,
— landscaping,
— lifts,
— masonry,
— modern methods of construction,
— painting and decorating,
— plasterwork and other finishes,
— plumbing,
— principal contractor,
— roofing,
— scaffolding,
— specialist treatment,
— wall, floor, tile and sheet finishes.
The DPS can be filtered by service templates, geographical region and value banding. LCP Members may therefore invite all the suppliers within a particular service category requirement. This option shall be set out within SProc.Net at the time of call-off.
The supplier agreement includes a set of terms and conditions that may be utilised by the parties for subsequent call-offs under the DPS (albeit Contracting Authorities are permitted to incorporate their own preferred forms subject to their ongoing compliance with the restricted procedure under which this DPS is being procured).
The DPS in itself is therefore not a contract; contracts are only formed when Services are called-off under the DPS.
The tender documents issued by Contracting Authorities for specific call-offs under this DPS will fully confirm the specific terms and conditions applicable for the execution of the works.
Suppliers should also note that this DPS places no obligation on its approved users to procure any Minor Works during the term of this DPS.
LCP is working in association with adam HTT Ltd to develop and maintain this DPS.
Suppliers should read this Contract Notice carefully and in full before submitting their application to join the DPS.
An initial term of 7 years with an option to extend on a rolling 12-month basis for a further period of up to 5 years.
The Council will have an option to extend the duration of the DPS following an initial 7-year period on a rolling 12-month basis for a period of up to 5 years.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
A full copy of the procurement documentation relating to this DPS procurement will be available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge from the date of publication of the Contract Notice via: http://demand.sproc.net
The Council wishes to establish a DPS for use by current and future LCP Members and other public sector bodies. Service provision will be across a wide range of public sectors including (but not limited to) housing, education, social services, care, health, environmental, highways, etc.
The public sector bodies (and their statutory successors) to whom the use of this DPS will be open, on the proviso that they have an administrative office within the M25 of Greater London include by not limited to the following list:
Members of the London Construction Programme and other public sector organisations in London:
— Government departments and its agencies,
— Canal and River Trust
— Local Authorities,
— National Parks Authorities,
— The Corporate Officer of the Lead of House of Lords and the Corporate Officer of the Leader of the House of Commons,
— Educational establishments across England and Wales maintained by the Department for Education including Academies, Colleges, Free Schools, LA Maintained Schools, other types, Special Schools, Universities,
— social enterprises within the culture and leisure sectors in the United Kingdom,
— police forces in the United Kingdom,
— Fire and Rescue services in the United Kingdom,
— NHS Bodies including acute trusts, clinical commissioning groups, mental health trusts, health and care trusts, ambulance trusts, area teams, specialist health authorities, others and NHS property services,
— Department of Health Advisory Bodies and Committees,
— hospices in the UK,
— registered providers of social housing,
— Care Quality Commission, independent regulator of health and social care in the UK,
— care homes,
— mental health service,
— national housing federation,
— third sector and charities,
— charities in the UK,
— citizens advice bureau,
— Limited Companies and other enterprises owned by other bodies other than those listed above but qualifying as Bodies Governed by Public Law for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
1st Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green
N22 8HQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 2084895305
E-mail: LCP-DPS-Services@haringey.gov.uk
Internet address: https://www.haringey.gov.uk
1st Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green
N22 8HQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 2084895305
E-mail: LCP-DPS-Services@haringey.gov.uk
Internet address: https://www.haringey.gov.uk
The Pinnacle, 170 Midsummer Boulevard
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
E-mail: supplier.engagement@useadam.co.uk
Internet address: http://demand.sproc.net/