Commercial kitchen equipment for the health authorities in Norway Published by Tenders Electronic Daily
Commercial kitchen equipment for the health authorities in Norway
Application deadline
25.06.2032, 00:00 hour
Restricted procedure
Order type
Delivery order
Main CPV code
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
Contracting authority / owner
Postboks 40
9811 VADSØ
Tel.: +47 78950700
Website: -
A dynamic purchasing system will be established for the procurement of commercial kitchen equipment for the health authorities in Norway. The dynamic purchasing system will be established as a supplement to existing framework agreements.Click here
Lots 1
Job / name
Category 01 Commercial kitchen equipment
Description of procurement /scope of services
Category 1 commercial kitchen equipment includes a number of different products that are connected to the production one in a commercial kitchen. Examples of products are tunnel washing machines, other types of dishwasher machines, combined-steamers, cooking pans, different transport trolleys, steel...Show more
Others CPV Codes
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): NO NORGE
Lots 2
Job / name
Category 02 Freezer and refrigeration equipment
Description of procurement /scope of services
Category 2 freezer and refrigeration equipment includes a number of different products that are connected to the production line in a commercial kitchen. Examples of products are water coolers, blow coolers, cooling baths, prefabricated refrigeration rooms, serving/canteen counters.
Others CPV Codes
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): NO NORGE
Lots 3
Job / name
Category 03 packing machines
Description of procurement /scope of services
Category 3 packing machines consists of a number of different products that are connected to packing machines in the production line in a commercial kitchen. Examples of products are large packing machines, deep-drawing, bowl packing machines, food pumps.
Others CPV Codes
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
- Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): NO NORGE
Norway-Vadsø: Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
2022/S 123-351229
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 916879067
Postal address: Postboks 40
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 9811
Country: Norway
Contact person: Postmottak Sykehusinnkjøp
Telephone: +47 78950700
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Commercial kitchen equipment for the health authorities in Norway
A dynamic purchasing system will be established for the procurement of commercial kitchen equipment for the health authorities in Norway. The dynamic purchasing system will be established as a supplement to existing framework agreements.
Click here
Category 01 Commercial kitchen equipment
Category 1 commercial kitchen equipment includes a number of different products that are connected to the production one in a commercial kitchen. Examples of products are tunnel washing machines, other types of dishwasher machines, combined-steamers, cooking pans, different transport trolleys, steel shelving, systems for sorting waste, and food pumps.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, last until 2032, subject to changes in the purchasing system's duration, see the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
Category 02 Freezer and refrigeration equipment
Category 2 freezer and refrigeration equipment includes a number of different products that are connected to the production line in a commercial kitchen. Examples of products are water coolers, blow coolers, cooling baths, prefabricated refrigeration rooms, serving/canteen counters.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, last until 2032, subject to changes in the purchasing system's duration, see the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
Category 03 packing machines
Category 3 packing machines consists of a number of different products that are connected to packing machines in the production line in a commercial kitchen. Examples of products are large packing machines, deep-drawing, bowl packing machines, food pumps.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, last until 2032, subject to changes in the purchasing system's duration, see the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
See the qualification provisions, point 5.1.
See the qualification provisions, point 5.2.
See the qualification provisions, point 5.3
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Postal address: Postboks 54
Town: Vadsø
Postal code: 9811
Country: Norway