Dynamic purchasing system for TV and internet signals Published by Tenders Electronic Daily

Dynamic purchasing system for TV and internet signals

There are changes or additional information to this announcement. Dynamic purchasing system for TV and internet signals (24.06.2022 20:42)

Application deadline

17.06.2032, 12:00 hour


Restricted procedure

Order type

Provision of services.

Main CPV code
  • Communication land-line rental


Contracting authority / owner

Fredrikstad kommune
Rådhuset, Nygaardsgaten 14-16
Tel.: +47 97539580
E-Mail: joramu@fredrikstad.kommune.no
Website: https://permalink.mercell.com/181510808.aspx


The contracting authority invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system for TV signals and internet for the contracting authority's entities.Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/181510808.aspx.

Description of procurement /scope of services

The dynamic purchasing system will cover TV and internet signals in the private market segment for residents in municipal owned housing or residents in municipal institutions.Contests held under the dynamic purchasing system could request the following:- Delivery at the stated address.- Linear TV signals with ordinary programme packages.- Option for Wifi.- The volume at each address can vary from one TV apparatus to a volume that corresponds to a large nursing home.- The delivery will be over the tenderer's own infrastructure to/at the stated address.- In some buildings there can be internal cabling (CAT-5 / Coax). Each individual enquiry will states the extent to which this exists or can be used.- The tenderer must reckon on installing a TV exchange for large volumes.The delivery of TV apparatuses is not included in the contract.
The dynamic purchasing system will cover TV and internet signals in the private market segment for residents in municipal owned housing or residents in municipal institutions.Contests held under the dynamic purchasing system could request the following:- Delivery at the stated address.- Linear TV signals...
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Others CPV Codes
  • Internet service providers ISP
  • Digital television
  • Cable TV
Project adress

Fredrikstad and Hvaler.

Norway-Fredrikstad: Communication land-line rental

2022/S 118-334059

Contract notice


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Fredrikstad kommune
National registration number: 940039541
Postal address: Rådhuset, Nygaardsgaten 14-16
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 1606
Country: Norway
Contact person: Jorunn Amundgård
E-mail: joramu@fredrikstad.kommune.no
Telephone: +47 97539580
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/181510808.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.fredrikstad.kommune.no/
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://permalink.mercell.com/181510808.aspx
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https://permalink.mercell.com/181510808.aspx
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.5)Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Dynamic purchasing system for TV and internet signals

Reference number: 2022/13873
II.1.2)Main CPV code
64214400 Communication land-line rental
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

The contracting authority invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system for TV signals and internet for the contracting authority's entities.

Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/181510808.aspx.

II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
72411000 Internet service providers ISP
92224000 Digital television
92232000 Cable TV
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: NO082 Viken
Main site or place of performance:

Fredrikstad and Hvaler.

II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

The dynamic purchasing system will cover TV and internet signals in the private market segment for residents in municipal owned housing or residents in municipal institutions.

Contests held under the dynamic purchasing system could request the following:

- Delivery at the stated address.

- Linear TV signals with ordinary programme packages.

- Option for Wifi.

- The volume at each address can vary from one TV apparatus to a volume that corresponds to a large nursing home.

- The delivery will be over the tenderer's own infrastructure to/at the stated address.

- In some buildings there can be internal cabling (CAT-5 / Coax). Each individual enquiry will states the extent to which this exists or can be used.

- The tenderer must reckon on installing a TV exchange for large volumes.

The delivery of TV apparatuses is not included in the contract.

II.2.5)Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Start: 20/06/2022
End: 19/06/2032
This contract is subject to renewal: no
II.2.10)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11)Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13)Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
II.2.14)Additional information

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions for participation
III.1.2)Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
III.1.3)Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.1)Type of procedure
Restricted procedure
IV.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the setting up of a dynamic purchasing system
IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 17/06/2032
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
IV.2.6)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.3)Additional information:
VI.4)Procedures for review
VI.4.1)Review body
Official name: Fredrikstad tingrett
Town: Fredrikstad
Country: Norway
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice: