Dynamic purchasing system for Temporary Staff Services Published by Tenders Electronic Daily
Dynamic purchasing system for Temporary Staff Services
Application deadline
24.09.2026, 12:00 hour
Restricted procedure
Order type
Provision of services.
Main CPV code
- Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
- Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
Contracting authority / owner
Norsk Helsenett SF
Abels gate 9
E-Mail: anskaffelser@nhn.no
Website: https://permalink.mercell.com/164168867.aspx -
The system must be able to be used by all agencies in the health authorities (the contracting authorities) nationwide, and will cover the contracting authority's need for all types of temporary staff.Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/164168867.aspx
Description of procurement /scope of services
The system must be able to be used by all agencies in the health authorities (the contracting authorities) nationwide, and will cover the contracting authority's need for temporary staff within the following (not exhaustive) areas:Position categoriesAdministration and officeSwitchboard / reception /...Show more
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): NO NORGE
Norway-Trondheim: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
2021/S 191-498447
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 994598759
Postal address: Abels gate 9
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 7030
Country: Norway
Contact person: Avdeling anskaffelser
E-mail: anskaffelser@nhn.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/164168867.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.nhn.no/
Section II: Object
Dynamic purchasing system for Temporary Staff Services
The system must be able to be used by all agencies in the health authorities (the contracting authorities) nationwide, and will cover the contracting authority's need for all types of temporary staff.
Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/164168867.aspx
The system must be able to be used by all agencies in the health authorities (the contracting authorities) nationwide, and will cover the contracting authority's need for temporary staff within the following (not exhaustive) areas:
Position categories
Administration and office
Switchboard / reception / information
Office Assistant
Case Manager
Archive Employees
HR Consultant / Personnel employees
Communication Consultant
Finance and accounts
Financial Consultant
Accounting Employee
Payroll Employees
Operation (2nd and 3rd line support)
User Support / Service Desk / Help Desk
Technical IT Support
Nursing personnel / Care personnel and Health personnel
Specialist Nurses
Nurses Aids
Social Educator
Health Workers
Health personnel without professional competence
Milieu Therapist
Physiotherapist / Ergotherapist
Communal Nurses / Health Secretaries
Laboratory technicians
Laboratory engineer
Warehouse, logistics and transport
Warehouse workers
Goods receiving and control
Order receiving/customer management
Packing, picking, scanning of outgoing goods
Cook with certificate of apprenticeship
Cook without certificate of apprenticeship
Canteen/kitchen workers
Washing up and clearing
Restaurant employees
Reception employees
Service personnel
Conference host
Canteen Manager
Canteen Manager - assistant
Cleaner with certificate of apprenticeship
Cleaner without certificate of apprenticeship
Competence requirement:
Requirement concerning competence is divided into three levels, I, II and III.
Lever 1: Knowledge of the work area/service, needs follow-up and guidance. Up to 2 (two) years experience.
Level II: Relevant competence within the area, need some follow-up and guidance. Between (2-5) years of experience.
Level III: Solid and relevant competence within the area, need some guidance in the start-up phase, works independently. Can handle personnel responsibility. More than (5) years of experience.
For individual call-off application the contracting authority will try to state which experience level the individual terms will have, as well as to what degree the information that, for example, to what degree follow-up is anticipated from the contracting authority's side.
Nursing, care and health personnel.
It is assumed that temporary staff within the contract have approved Norwegian authorisation in accordance with requirements from public authorities. Cf. Authorisation and license - the Norwegian Directorate of Health
The service provider is responsible for prior checking at the State authorisation offices for health personnel that the temporary staff member has valid authorisation before this work is offered by the contracting authority.
The service provider is also responsible for ensuring that a valid police certificate for substitutes is available where this is a requirement.
The greatest need is currently within administration and office, finance and accounting and ICT.
For nursing, care and health personnel we anticipate that the need will be within laboratories and in administrative positions with health competence (not direct at patients).
For storage, logistics and transport there has been extremely low need up until today, but in order to be flexible we are also including this category in the scheme.
Most of the canteen and cleaning is put out to external suppliers, however, there may be a future needs, in order to be flexible we also including these categories in the system.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Tenderers must satisfy the terms in order to be registered in the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's register, c.f. FOR 2008-06-04 no. 541: Regulation concerning staffing agency § 5, ogand to be registered here. This requirement also applies for any sub-suppliers who will contribute to the fulfilment of the contract.
Tenderers must have the required economic and financial standing.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: Oslo
Country: Norway