DPS Connectivity Services Published by Tenders Electronic Daily
DPS Connectivity Services
There are changes or additional information to this announcement. DPS - Terrestrial + Aerial Connectivity Services (25.08.2023 20:34), DPS - Subsea Connectivity Services (14.08.2023 20:50), DPS Connectivity Services (28.12.2021 20:19)
Application deadline
30.06.2029, 09:00 hour
Restricted procedure
Order type
Provision of services.
Main CPV code
- Telecommunications services
- Telecommunications services
Contracting authority / owner
GÉANT Vereniging
1102 BR Amsterdam
Tel.: +31 20530448
Fax: +31 20530449
E-Mail: procurement@geant.org
Website: https://www.geant.org -
GÉANT’s objective is to establish a DPS with an initial term of four (4) years with the possibility to extend the term two (2) times extensions of three (3) years. Therefore, the maximum contract period is ten (10) years, in order to be able to source a range of connectivity services (dark fibre,...Show more
Lots 1
Job / name
Terrestrial and/or Aerial Connectivity Services
Description of procurement /scope of services
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
Others CPV Codes
- Telecommunications services
- Telecommunications services
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): NL NEDERLAND
Lots 2
Job / name
Subsea Connectivity Services
Description of procurement /scope of services
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
Others CPV Codes
- Telephone and data transmission services
- Telephone and data transmission services
Project adress
Region (NUTS code): NL NEDERLAND
Netherlands-Amsterdam: Telecommunications services
2019/S 141-347457
Contract notice
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
1102 BR
Telephone: +31 20530448
E-mail: procurement@geant.org
Fax: +31 20530449
NUTS code: NL
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.geant.org
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.supply2.geant.org/
Section II: Object
DPS Connectivity Services
GÉANT’s objective is to establish a DPS with an initial term of four (4) years with the possibility to extend the term two (2) times extensions of three (3) years. Therefore, the maximum contract period is ten (10) years, in order to be able to source a range of connectivity services (dark fibre, spectrum and leased capacity).
Establishing a DPS with qualified suppliers will help GÉANT to create an environment which encourages fair competition, allowing qualified suppliers to join at any time and choose whether to compete in any of the Stage 2 ‘Invitations to Tender for Connectivity Services’.
The connectivity services will be divided into the following lots:
Lot 1: Terrestrial and/or Aerial Connectivity Services;
Lot 2: Subsea Connectivity Services.
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
Terrestrial and/or Aerial Connectivity Services
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
GÉANT’s objective is to establish a DPS with an initial term of four (4) years with the possibility to extend the term two (2) times extensions of three (3) years. Therefore, the maximum contract period is ten (10) years, in order to be able to source a range of Connectivity Services (Dark Fibre, Spectrum and Leased Capacity).
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
Subsea Connectivity Services
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
GÉANT’s objective is to establish a DPS with an initial term of four (4) years with the possibility to extend the term two (2) times extensions of three (3) years. Therefore, the maximum contract period is ten (10) years, in order to be able to source a range of connectivity services (dark fibre, spectrum and leased capacity).
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Further information and documents related to this procurement are available to download from GÉANT’s eProcurement Portal by following the link that is published on the OJEU Contract Notice.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Internet address: https://www.rechtspraak.nl/Organisatie-en-contact/Organisatie/Rechtbanken/Rechtbank-Amsterdam